Our Benevolent Sovereign
Wisdom's Corner
Our Benevolent Sovereign

"The Emperor Titus, who was naturally of the most benevolent disposition, was styled the darling and delight of the human race. It was a principle of his not to send away without hope any one who came to him. When those about him cautioned him against making more promises than he would be able to perform, he replied, "No one ought to go away in sorrow from an interview with his sovereign." Moreover on one occasion remembering at supper time that he had done nothing for any one the whole day, he uttered that memorable expression, worthy of all praise, "My friends, this day have I lost a day!"" (Short Tales and Anecdotes From Ancient History by William Smith, 1866,p.22)

The Emperor Titus was a very benevolent man. Benevolent means giving someone what they need. Titus cared for people and was willing to do all that he could for those who came to him. But Titus was limited in what he could do. He was willing to give promises but at times was not able to keep those promises. The people looked to him as their sovereign. This means that they considered him the one with all authority. If he promised to give them something, they believed he had the power and authority to do it.

We have a Sovereign who is able to keep all promises. We have a Sovereign who wants us to ask Him for what we need. We have a Sovereign who wants to give us what we need. Our Sovereign is God.

In 1 John 3:22 we read, "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight." We must obey God if we want our prayers answered. We must be asking for things that we truly need, not things we want. We must ask for things that are according to His will. And we must do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

Study your Bible. Find out what you need to do to be pleasing to God. Obey God. Remember that you should be praying for the things that you need in life. And give thanks for all things to our Benevolent Sovereign. If any of these things are hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.

Mark McWhorter

Copyright 2002

Published by The Old Paths Bible School