Wisdom's Corner
The Washed SheepLast time we learned something about the opened well. We read Zechariah 13:1, "In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness."
It was custom for ancient Jews to choose out a few good sheep to feed specially and to take care of specially. These sheep would be fed the best. These sheep would also be taken to the clean water sources and washed regularly. All the dirt and filth would be carefully washed from the wool of the sheep. By keeping the sheep very clean the sheep would not have as much chance of getting sick. So the meat of the sheep would be very, very good.
In times of severe drought the cleaning water for these sheep came from the special opened well. This made it even more special when it came time for the cleansing of the sheep.
Jesus is the special spiritual open well. Followers of Jesus, Christians, are the sheep. Jesus is our Shepherd. Jesus not only leads us but He also cleanses us from all the dirt and filth of this world. We must follow Him and obey Him in order to receive that cleansing.
Keep reading your Bible. Study it as much as you can. Only by learning from the scriptures can you know how to be led by Jesus. It is only in the Bible that we learn how to be washed. And if any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.
Mark McWhorter
Copyright 2002
Published by The Old Paths Bible School